Poorly lit images Images with lots of text
In particular, you must ensure that your content is suitable for all ages, that it does not contain any violence or nudity and that it does not promote illegal activities. You will also note that the algorithm that validates posts from Google Business profile doesn't particularly like images of these types: Blurry or low resolution imagesGifs Images from image banks If you want to use text in your image, make sure it is short and easy to read. Avoid using images with more than 20% text. Unauthorized content in your text and/or images : Google doesn't allow certain types of content in business profile posts.These include sexually explicit content, illegal drugs, violence and hate speech. If your post Chinese Singapore Phone Number List contains any of these, it will likely be rejected. Google also doesn't want to see a phone number on your images. In fact, this is clearly indicated in its conditions of use. Posting Policy Violation : Make sure you know and follow Google's rules for business profile posts. These rules include length, text, images and videos. If you violate any of these rules, your post will be rejected. Reported user or profile : If your account or profile has been reported by Google, it is likely that your posts will be rejected.
This can happen for a reason but it's usually because you'v violated Google's terms of service in some way. If this is the case, you will need to correct the problem before your posts will be accepted again. New update or duplicate content detected by Google AI : Sometimes a new update or duplicate content detected by Google AI will cause business profile posts to be rejected. If this happens, you will need to wait until the issue is resolved before your messages will be accepted again. If you're having trouble getting your business profile posts accepted, contact Google Customer Support.